Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The name of this blog is Serenity because both me and Eric are so utterly in love with the TV series "Firefly". Whatever vehicle would carry us in our "Gipsy life" to come (or more exactly, our luggage, we intend to carry ourselves, i.e. walk), we wanted to call it Serenity. It ain't much, but it is home.
For a short period we entertained rather lofty plans. A western horse-drawn style Planwagen (a very very miniature version of the all famous Conestoga wagons), crossed our dreams.
Unfortunately such a lovely but bulky thing would limit our choice of paths to rather large and well beaten ways, and that is not what we intended. SOmething smaller and nimbler is in order: we came up with two tiny, ancient things that will exactly do for us: infantry carts from the World War II.
They are too small (and there's 2 of them) to be called Serenity... I guess they will have to be "the Shuttles", lol.

We are fetching them tomorrow. Can't wait to start restoring them.

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